Shipe Park Construction Update – Jan 2019


After a few starts and stops due to weather and accessibility, the pool construction and renovation of the beloved Shipe Log Cabin is well underway! Phase 1 which included removal of the chinking and installation of new decking, zinc flashing and traditional shake shingles is nearing completion. Phase 2 will include new chinking, perimeter drainage work, new lighting, cleaning of the logs and application of a natural sealant to protect the wood from future deterioration. The materials for the reconstruction of the cabin will be in keeping with the original structure as much as possible. Material selections were vetted and selected by a team from the city spearheaded by Kim McNight, the Historic Preservation and Conservation Program Manager for PARD. As with all new construction, even those using “period” techniques and materials, it will take some time for the new wood and metal to acquire that “aged” look but we are confident it will patina nicely.

Many thanks to James Nolan Construction and PARD Project Managers George Maldonado and Mike Jones for keeping the project rolling.  A tip of the hat to the pool builders G Hyatt Construction Company for working with Friends of Shipe Park during their “big dig.” Most of all, Friends of Shipe Park wants to express our deep gratitude to the generous community members like you who have contributed so much towards restoring the Log Cabin to it’s rightful role as the “gathering place of Hyde Park.” This and other park improvements couldn’t happen without YOU!

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